Stop Fake Bearings
CAD Data Download
Bearing Online Catalogue

+ 001 0231 123 32



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  • Design for high temperature, and high rotating speed.
  • High performance seal to prevent the ingress of dust and water.
  • This bearing has longer operating life under engine vibration conditions because of excellent grease for high temperature, high rotating speed and vibration.
  • Seal-design is excellent for grease retention and to avoid water ingress.
  • Bearing can be used under high-rotating speeds
  • Grease is excellent for high temperature, high rotating speed, vibrating conditions (Flaking) and it is environmentally friendly.
  • High heat resistant resin cage

FNS grease series does not contain sodium nitrite.

 DST sealDL seal
Seal design DST seal DL seal
Features Outside contact-Lips improves grease retention.
Excellent for high rotating speed because of light contact.
Inside contact-Lips improves grease retaintion and suitable for high rotating speed.
Excellent for minimizing water and dust intrusion.

  • Electromagnetic clutch of car air-conditioner
  • Suitable for a wide range of air conditioning compressor applications.
    Vane type
    Swash plate
    Rotary type
    Scroll type
    Variable displacement type

Dimension Table Download

Please contact us regarding other sizes.